Leave the Route field blank if you want to fly direct, but you can also enter any NDB/VOR/FIX/Airway to get real routings. The Departure ICAO field will be filled with the current location, so you just need to enter your destination airport into the Arrival ICAO field. Fill in your enroute altitude next.

You can also specify the airline and flight number if you wish. These are the fields that ATC will use to identify your aircraft when they talk with you. The aircraft identification box lists the c172 tail number by default, but you can change this if you wish using the drop-down menus. Press the button File Flight Plan to specify information about your flight. Turn this off in your network settings to get the ATC window back.) (Note: if you hit the enter key and you get a narrow black box, that is a chat box, and this means you have multiplayer enabled. To get started, press the Return/ Enter key to bring up the ATC window. These settings are located in the Sound tab of the General Settings Menu, under Air Traffic Control. By default, ATC text and verbal messages should both be enabled. Users can choose to have text, verbal, or both types of ATC messages enabled. X-Plane 11 has a revised, flexible ATC voice system for improved realism. ATC commands can now be prefaced with your tail-number, your airline, flight number, and more. The tutorial video below shows the revised ATC system and goes through the steps to set up a flight plan and contact ATC for clearance and taxi instructions.